your new colleagues will say they have seen it all before. White knights flying the banner of the latest management fad are an occupational hazard for the incumbents of any large organisation. More often than not, these interlopers make lots of noise, embarrass themselves with a weak grip on the organisational ‘realities’, leave some nice slides, and disappear –and things stay much the same as they were before they turned up. In government, officials learn that ministerial enthusiasms often have a short shelf-life, and wait for the winds of change to blow themselves out. Anybody bearing promises of ‘change –for real this time’ is likely to be greeted with caution, if not outright cynicism. Change fatigue is a common problem; a sense of exhaustion experienced when an organisation is always transforming but not getting any better. ‘Digital transformation? We’ll believe it when we see it.’545 ↱

Digital Transformation at Scale
Why the Strategy Is Delivery: Why the Strategy Is Delivery
Andrew Greenway, Ben Terrett, Mike Bracken, Tom Loosemore