replacing the confused, duplicatory and inaccurate data architecture most old organisations sit on with ne , canonical data sources is probably even more important than the user - facing platforms. Having single, accurat , trusted sources of information for all parts of the business or government to refer to cuts out many of the mistakes and burden of data re - entry for users. For most bureaucracies, creating reliable data registers sounds like an unpleasant and near - endless job. It may take a decade to complete the transition from the patchwork of incompatible sources and false information to an architecture a digital native company would recognise as worth having. The longer it gets put off, the further you are from becoming a successful platform organisation.2726-2732 ↱

Digital Transformation at Scale
Why the Strategy Is Delivery: Why the Strategy Is Delivery
Andrew Greenway, Ben Terrett, Mike Bracken, Tom Loosemore